What we believe
Immanuel. That is the name of our church. For that is what the angel told Mary to name her child.1 And this name also beautifully describes who we are and the purpose for our church. The name means, “God with us.” On the one hand, these words are a tragedy. For they remind us that at the beginning everything was good and complete.2 But Adam and Eve rejected their God. And sadly, after this, every human enters life not ‘with God’ but instead, ‘without God’ and ‘against God.’ That’s why we needed God to come to us. God took on flesh and blood. He breathed our air. But most importantly of all, he rescued us from our sin.3 Jesus rescued us by being tempted in our place and never giving in.4 He rescued us by being the God-man who was punished and died in our place to redeem us. And, when he rose from the dead on Easter Sunday morning he guaranteed a place in heaven for all who believe in him.5 Then, in every way, he will be with us, and we will be with him forever.6
Immanuel is the name of our church because it is the name of our Savior. It describes who Jesus is and what he came to do. And we, as members of Immanuel Lutheran church have the privilege of sharing God’s word with those around us so that they too will know this “Immanuel” who is with them. But we don’t do this alone. Our congregation is part of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).
If you would like to know more about our congregation, do not hesitate to contact our pastor. He would love an opportunity to share ‘Immanuel’ with you.
1 Matthew 1:23
2 Genesis 1:23
3 John 1:29
4 Hebrews 4:15
5 1 Peter 1:21
6 Revelation 7:15-17